Durante el ultimo mes, he estado impartiendo cursos en línea sobre interpretación en vivo usando Ableton Live y laptops (uno para el DJLab Programa de Certificación en Producción Musical con Ableton Live y otro para el Instituto Clive Davis of Recorded Music de NYU). Es un tiempo particularmente extraño para enseñar sobre este tema, ya
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Cómo Producir un Disco en 5 Pasos: Producir discos (y por discos me refiero a cualquier canción grabada) es en realidad una secuencia de pasos que, a pesar de toda la nueva tecnología desarrollada para el proceso, ha cambiado muy poco desde que se desarrolló la grabación multipista en la década de 1960. Por
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Esta es una entrada de blog publicada en 2012 que quería compartir de nuevo en español… Hace dos semanas fui a ver la película ‘Jiro Dreams Of Sushi’. Es un documental sobre Jiro Ono, un chef de 85 años considerado el mayor chef de sushi del mundo. La película es una película hermosa y es
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The Brooklyn Digital Conservatory and ShapeShifter Lab will continue the Digital and Acoustic Sessions open workshop series in Brooklyn on July 24, 2016 at 6:30 PM. This month’s Digital + Acoustic Sessions will feature artist, music technologist and associate professor at Berklee, Erin Barra showing techniques for using Ableton Live as a songwriting tool. Erin Barra’s
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The Brooklyn Digital Conservatory and ShapeShifter Lab will continue the Digital and Acoustic Sessions open workshop series in Brooklyn on July 24, 2016 at 6:30 PM. This session will highlight different ways of incorporating lights and visuals within Ableton Live. Presenters will include David Lublin, VJ and creator of the VDMX software, Matthew Wang and
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The Brooklyn Digital Conservatory and ShapeShifter Lab will continue the Digital and Acoustic Sessions open workshop series in Brooklyn on June 19th at 6:30 PM. This session will feature Daniel Mintseris who is the programmer and keyboardist for St Vincent discussing his live set-up and touring with St. Vincent. Following the workshop will be live
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On June 4, 2016, the Brooklyn Digital Conservatory, Studio Arki and the International Museum and Library of Music will host an open Ableton workshop in Bologna, Italy how to slim down fast. See the event page here for more details.
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Clyph X Part II: 3 Useful Live Performance Functions: In the last post I explained some basics about ClyphX and how to set it up. I just want to point out 3 more interesting ways to use it. Tempo Ramps: Tempo ramps, meaning shifting the tempo over a certain number of bars are easy to
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Of all the DAWs currently on the market, Ableton Live is arguably the best suited for live performance. This makes sense considering the ability to use it live is built into the DNA of the program (hence the “Live”) and it is also the only of the widely used programs created by performing musicians
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One of the dullest parts of production, but one of the most important for properly finishing a track is preparing to mix it. If and when people think of music production as a sexy and glamorous job, they are certainly not thinking of the time spent getting a track set up for a mix. In
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